Two days ago, I met a lovely young owner of a small café. I told her that I’m looking forward to the time when we will be able to dine at her place. We both agreed that it will be a different world then. She added, “…Hopefully, people will be nicer to one other and more mindful of wastefulness.”
The virus is definitely closer to home, now. Louie learned last night that a friend of ours tested positive. He had been experiencing headache, chills, and diarrhea. Fortunately, that appears to be the worst for him, and he will be able to recover with over-the-counter meds and quarantine at home. Three of his colleagues have it too, and another is being tested. They are all police officers.
We haven’t invested in a bidet yet, and tp is as hot a topic as hand sanitizer. Did you hear about the guy in San Francisco who helped his self-isolating friend by sending him toilet paper via drone? All I can say is, watch out for the skeet shooters.