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June 23, 2020

The other morning was challenging as I worked my way to the kitchen to make my coffee. I couldn’t find the stainless-steel measuring spoons that I use to scoop coffee grounds. I finally found them – at the bottom of a big stainless-steel bowl in the sink, underneath a pile of utensils waiting to be washed. I tried to fish for them without clanging, but that didn’t work. So, one by one, I removed spoons, forks, knives, and cooking paraphernalia. I was never happier to make my cup o’ joe.

So, on June 18, the title of a research study out of the University of California San Diego said it all: “To Wear a Mask or Not, Is Not the Question; Research Indicates It’s the Answer.”

Mario Molina, a professor at the UCSD and Chemistry Nobel Laureate, was a member of the scientific research team along with other distinguished experts from Cal Tech and Texas A&M. It doesn’t take much to convince me or my family of this no-brainer practice -- combined with social distancing and staying safer at home. We’ve been doing this since the pandemic broke. The “moral” to that study?

“We conclude that the wearing of face masks in public corresponds to the most effective means to prevent inter-human transmission, and this inexpensive practice, in conjunction with simultaneous social distancing, quarantine and contact tracing, represents the most likely fighting opportunity to stop the COVID-19 pandemic,” Renyi Zhang, professor of atmosphere science at Texas A&M, wrote.

With coronavirus cases and hospitalizations still on the rise, it’s time to pull out all the stops and take this Covid bull by the horns.

But efforts will be fruitless if there’s not 100% cooperation.

It’s no wonder California’s mandate to wear masks came down the next day.

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