The Dodgers gave us Angelenos a lot to scream about the other night. They held steady through a low-scoring but nail-biter game to win the 2020 World Series 3 to 1 – ending their 32-year drought. Their last win was in 1988. With pent up Covid-19 anxiety, it took no time to jump out of our chairs, hoot, holler, and high-five each other. And it was just Louie and me.

This is the lift we needed. Louie had volunteered to buy all-beef hot dogs and fixings so that I could finish washing dishes – so that we could focus completely on the game.
I’m the first to admit that I’m not a sports fanatic, although I enjoy doing some sports. But when it comes to major league games like this, I’m all in. With the challenges of the coronavirus shutting down just about everything earlier in the year, no one really knew how long it would last not to mention whether professional sports could even take place. When all of this was being debated, I’ll never forget the words of a sports fan, “We’ve got to have our sports!”
But training safely and playing the game at a neutral field so that teams wouldn’t have to fly back and forth was a good strategy.
The game could have gone to the Tampa Bay Rays, but the Dodgers wouldn’t have it. Not that night.
After the game, I couldn’t get enough of the nonstop enthusiasm of the fans, most of whom wore masks. Ecstatic to the hilt, it was so contagious, I practically felt the energy through the television screen.
And as I look at the years the Dodgers won before the drought – ’55, ’59, ’63, 65, ’81, ’88 – a pattern jumps out at me: For each decade, they won two World Series.
Go Dodger Blue!!!

Washing Hands + Wearing a Mask + Social Distancing = Saving Lives