I am delighted to share that I received two awards for my entries in this year’s IFWTWA Photo Contest in the categories of Food and Wine: a luxurious holiday panettone that I bought at the Cheese Cave in Claremont, California (packaged in a stunning red box with fancy gold lettering); and a most elegant wine tasting at Epoch Estate Wines in California’s Central Coast.
I have boundless joy capturing moments in time – when the mood is right, when the lighting is perfect and before a meal is devoured. Before I embark on drafting a story, I pour myself a hot cup of coffee then sit in front of my computer to peruse countless photos that I have taken with the arduous task of choosing the best to represent the story, knowing that only a handful will be used with the published piece.
It doesn’t take long before I am reliving a magical train journey, a walk in the vineyards, laughing with a shoe shiner or savoring the first bite of a dish that I have never experienced before.

HOLIDAY PANETTONE: I either felt unworthy or too cheap to pay the high price for panettone, a special Italian sweet bread made during the holidays. Last season at the Cheese Cave in Claremont California, I happily paid almost $50 for this exquisite creation made with sour cherries and balsamic cream. It brought my guests and me to our knees.

WINE TASTING: The table is set for elegant wine tasting at the historic Epoch Estate Wines in Templeton, California.

Hi Athena, Sorry I haven't been in touch for awhile. Congratulations on your awards. Great photos! Hope you're well.