Thank goodness for Jacqueline, our animal whisperer. She was the first to notice that Lola’s left eye was blinking a lot and was concerned enough to suggest a visit to the vet emphasizing that Lola was in pain. Sure enough, Lola had an ulcer (a small “scratch”) on the cornea. How that happened we will never know. We were given eye drops to administer for 14 days. But just over half-way through, Lola’s eye showed some tearing. With more tests, the vet saw “edges” that were preventing her eye from healing. The edges were smoothed out without having to sedate Lola. We’re hoping for successful healing. We will know after another check-up in three days.
This Covid era is proving the human need to socialize. I just read a news item that an increase of people hungry to hear the human voice are opting for the old-fashioned telephone call to hear a loved one on the other end. In my May 9 entry, I differed with someone who wrote that in our virtual age, phone calls seem shallow. In fact, telecom companies are seeing an amazing uptick week after week as customers choose to dial on their smartphones -- and the calls are lasting longer. How novel that “Phone person” is becoming a buzz description with the younger generation.
So, Louie, quite disappointed with our take-out pizza dinner last night, couldn’t end the night with such a letdown. Just when I was enjoying a day off from washing dishes, pots and pans, Louie whipped out from the fridge organic ground beef and all the fresh veggies he could find. With a glass of wine, I had just sat down on the living room couch when I noticed Louie chopping up a storm. Hmmmmm. I slowly dragged myself to the kitchen to do what I do best -- clean up as he moves along. Then I took one look at his finished dish – magnifique!

Even my town is embracing re-opening in Covid times by enhancing al fresco dining. An effort between the city and the Chamber of Commerce has created “Sierra Madre Cares” to support local restaurants. All-important social distancing will be the top priority as parking lots transform into “plazas” and sidewalks “expand.”
A sign of the times, indeed.