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August 11, 2020

Wow. In a surprise statement of confidence in the efforts to control spread of the novel coronavirus, the head of the World Health Organization, WHO, just said that “There are green shoots of hope, and no matter where a country, a region, a city or a town, it is never too late to turn the outbreak around.”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also said, “…if the virus is effectively suppressed, society can be safely reopened.” But only if leaders and citizens work hand in hand. Sadly, in the U.S., we have lost too many lives. But we can save a lot of lives. This sounds like a broken record, but with repetition, let’s hope it will eventually stick.

Other countries such as New Zealand and Rwanda have successfully controlled spread of Covid-19. But the U.S., Brazil, and India are no where close to suppression – and are the driving force behind the rise in global infections.

We can’t let down our guards. It’s all about keeping at least a six-foot distance from people not in our family unit and wearing masks whenever we are out in public. The other day, Louie’s childhood friend Mario and his son David came for a visit. Mario surprised us with face masks that his wife Petra had made that morning. They are perfectly sized with pockets for filters. What generosity. And we love them!

Covid-19 Masks

Like a meal tastes so much better when someone makes it for you, a mask made with loving hands, is worn with so much pride.

Mask + Social Distance = Lives saved.

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