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August 9, 2020

I’m with Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has reached rock star status because of his crusade to save American lives. “Until I’m exhausted,” were his words when he said he won’t stop speaking about the principles “to keep the spread of the coronavirus in check.”

“Wearing a mask and opening up the country go hand in hand,” he said. It sounds too good to be true, but we don’t need a vaccine or a magic therapy to control the virus. If 100% of us follow the Three Ws, we can drastically slow down – or stop -- the spread of Covid-19:

  1. Wash Your Hands

  2. Watch Your Distance (stand at least six feet apart from others when out in public)

  3. Wear a Face Mask

It’s that easy.

Dr. Fauci is America’s superhero. Without him, I don’t even want to imagine where our country would be right now. And I could not have been prouder to see him throw the first pitch for Major League Baseball’s 2020 season. It’s no wonder Dr. Fauci’s ToppsNow baseball card was the bestselling card in the history of the company’s limited-edition collection.

So why is this warrior of a man receiving death threats?

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