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May 27, 2021: Hugs

Yesterday morning I witnessed a most tender moment.

After my early morning routine of stretching, reading late breaking news, and capturing the sunrise outside my backdoor, I started making my coffee in the kitchen. It’s nice to once again see the weekday rush outside my dining room window -- parents dropping off their children at the school across the street.

As I was placing scoops of coffee grounds into my percolator, I could see a young father with a baseball cap opening the doors of his SUV parked in front of my house. Then, as I plugged in the coffee maker, I saw him standing underneath the canopy of our leafy mulberry tree, with his two daughters at either side in what appeared to be a hug. How sweet, I thought to myself.

But the hug lasted longer than usual, and they seemed oblivious to the frantic commotion behind them. Dad had his hands placed gently on their heads, and he held them close to his body. In that moment, it felt like one could hear a pin drop. Is he a single dad? Were they praying? Or was Dad wishing them a good day at school? Suddenly I had a gulp in my throat thinking there might be a tragedy in the family. Perhaps he was simply telling them, “I love you.” I will never know, but it gave me peace knowing that the view of my quiet front yard allowed them to share a precious few minutes before he walked them to the corner and bid them off with the crossing guard.

This morning I woke up a little later than usual. Just as I opened the blinds to the front yard, who did I see walking to his SUV in front of my house?

This is your country, and it’s up to you to save it.” – English translation of a saying in Taiwan

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